Fishing is one of the most popular recreational and economic activities, but it needs to be strictly regulated to maintain the balance of ecosystems. Each year, the authorities set specific closed seasons to protect fish species during spawning season and prevent overexploitation of natural resources.

For 2025, the no-fishing rules have been updated and compliance is mandatory, both for biodiversity conservation and to avoid legal sanctions.

Below, you’ll find information on what the fishing ban entails this year and what changes have been made to the legislation this year.

  • What is a fishing ban?
  • Why are there fishing restrictions?
  • Updated legislation and changes from previous years
  • When does the general fishing ban start and end?
  • Fishing season in the Danube Delta and its lakes in 2025
  • Specific prohibition periods for protected habitats
  • Fish species banned from fishing in 2025
  • Minimum sizes of species allowed for containment

What is a fishing ban?

A fishing ban is a legislative measure which prohibits the catching of certain species of fish for a specified period. It can be imposed at national or regional level and aims to protect fish stocks during the spawning season and to rebuild fish stocks in natural waters.

Depending on needs, the ban can be total – applying to all species and in all types of waters (fresh or brackish) – or partial, restricting fishing to certain species, areas or methods of catching them.

Why are there fishing restrictions?

Every year, aquatic biologists analyze the state of fish populations and recommend optimal prohibition periods. In 2025, restrictions are imposed to protect natural reproduction, maintain ecological balance, combat poaching and ensure sustainability.

In addition to these aspects, bans help to combat poaching by providing a clearer legal framework and tougher penalties for those who fish illegally. Last but not least, the ban is a long-term conservation measure to ensure that future generations will have sufficient fish stocks for both commercial and recreational fishing.

Updated legislation and changes from previous years

In 2025, the fishing ban legislation has undergone some important changes compared to previous years. The new regulations are laid down by joint order of the Ministry of Environment and the National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture (ANPA) and include adjustments to the closed seasons for certain species, based on recent reproduction data.

The list of protected areas has also been extended, especially in habitats declared vulnerable, and some species have been added to the no-fishing list. Another significant change is the increase in fines and sanctions for illegal fishing, as the authorities seek to reduce the negative impact of uncontrolled activities on fish stocks.

When does the general fishing ban start and end?

Prohibiție pescuit

Warning sign: fishing ban

In the year 2025, the general fishing ban in Romania is set for a period of 60 days, starting on April 9 and ending on June 7 inclusive. This ban applies to commercial, recreational/sport and family fishing in all the country’s natural fish habitats.

For waters constituting the state border, the ban is imposed for 45 days, from April 24 to June 7 inclusive. This measure concerns the country’s border areas.

In the case of waters bordering the Republic of Bulgaria, the fishing ban also applies for a period of 45 days, but from April 16 to May 30 inclusive. For the waters bordering Ukraine, including the Gulf of Musura, the ban applies for the same period, i.e. from April 16 to May 30 inclusive.

Fishing season in the Danube Delta and its lakes in 2025

Recognized for its unique biodiversity, the Danube Delta is also subject to strict fishing regulations designed to protect its ecosystems and ensure the sustainability of aquatic resources.

General prohibition periods in the Danube Delta

For the year 2025, the general ban on commercial, recreational/sport and family fishing is established for a period of 60 days, from April 9 to June 7 inclusive. This measure applies to all natural fish habitats within the perimeter of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. The main aim of this ban is to protect the spawning period of most fish species, ensuring the recovery of populations and maintaining the ecological balance.

Căsuțe Dolphin Camping

Dolphin Camping complex

👉 For an authentic fishing experience in the Danube Delta, you need comfortable accommodation close to nature. Choose the cottages in the Dolphin Camping complex, the perfect place to relax after a day on the water.

Species-specific regulations

In addition to the general ban, there are additional restrictions for certain fish species, adapted to their life cycle and conservation needs.

  • Pike pike (Esox lucius) – fishing for this species is prohibited from February 1 to March 20, corresponding to the early spawning season. It is also prohibited during the general prohibition from April 9 to June 7 inclusive.
  • Pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) – for these species, the prohibition is set from March 20 to June 7 inclusive.
  • Flax (Tinca tinca) – Flax fishing is prohibited from June 7 to July 6 inclusive, to allow for spawning and development of juveniles.

Areas and periods with special regulations

Some areas of the Danube Delta benefit from additional protection measures due to their ecological importance:

  • Razim-Sinoe complex and coastal lakes – fishing of any species of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic life is prohibited for 60 days from April 9 to June 7 inclusive;
  • Musura Bay, on the border with Ukraine – fishing in this area is prohibited for 45 days from April 16 to May 30 inclusive. Depending on hydrological conditions, this period may be extended at the proposal of the Governor of the Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.

Rules for recreational fishing outside closed periods

After the end of the prohibition periods, recreational fishing in the Danube Delta is allowed, but under strict rules to protect biodiversity:

  • pike, pike-perch, pike-perch, catfish and carp – fishing for these species is allowed on a catch & release basis only, with the possibility of catching only one individual per day of a single species;
  • maximum quantity of fish transported – fishermen may not transport more than 10 kg of fish per fisherman or 15 kg per family, regardless of the number of days they have been fishing.

Best times for fishing in the Danube Delta

  • After prohibition (June – October) – this is the best time to fish for species such as carp and catfish. During the summer months, catfish feed intensively and in the fall, carp become more active in preparation for the cold season.
  • Autumn (September – November) – is considered the best time for fishing, as cooler temperatures stimulate the activity of many fish species.

Specific prohibition periods for protected habitats

Avertizare: pescuitul interzis

Warning sign: no fishing

In addition to the general ban, there are areas where restrictions are more severe because of their ecological importance. These include:

  • nature reserves and national parks – here, fishing may be completely banned all year round or only allowed under certain conditions;
  • breeding areas for vulnerable species – some lakes and stretches of rivers are declared special protection areas, prohibiting fishing even after the general closed season;
  • Danube and adjacent lakes – certain parts of the Danube and adjacent lakes are subject to extensive bans to protect migratory species that use these waters for breeding.

Depending on the specifics of each region, restrictions may vary and local authorities may impose measures in addition to the general ones.

Cu barca în Delta Dunării

Boat trip in the Danube Delta

👉 Whether you opt for a boat trip to the fishing grounds, a bike ride or a kayaking adventure, the Green Dolphin complex offers unique experiences to enjoy the authentic beauty of the Danube Delta and all that this spectacular area has to offer.

Exceptions and special cases in different regions of Romania

Although the fishing ban applies across the board, there are some exceptions. These may be related to research activities, control of fish stocks or even the specificity of some areas where fishing is allowed all year round.

Notable exceptions in 2025 include:

  • scientific fishing – research institutions and environmental organizations can get special permits to catch fish to monitor biodiversity;
  • fishing in private fish farms and private lakes – waters specially set aside for sport fishing are not subject to the same legislation as natural waters, but managers must comply with certain rules imposed by ANPA;
  • non-native and harmful species – in some cases, fishing for certain invasive or ecosystem-disturbing species may be allowed even during the prohibition period.

Fish species banned from fishing in 2025

Cega pește interzis la pescuit

Cega, a banned fish

In order to protect biodiversity and ensure the recovery of fish stocks, certain species of fish are completely prohibited from fishing. This ban covers both spawning species and fish considered vulnerable or threatened.

Species prohibited all year round

In addition to the seasonal bans, some species are permanently protected, either because they are in danger of extinction or for reasons related to the conservation of aquatic ecosystems. In 2025, these species include:

  • sturgeon (morun, black sturgeon, sturgeon, smelt, smelt) – their fishing is completely banned as populations are in steep decline and Romania is joining international conservation efforts;
  • Hucho hucho (Hucho hucho) – a rare species, protected by law, whose capture is prohibited in any context;
  • whitefish (Coregonus sp.) – a fish found in some mountain lakes under strict protection.

Invasive species and exceptions to bans

In contrast to protected species, there are also invasive species that can be fished even during the prohibition period because they pose a risk to native ecosystems. These include:

  • Dwarf catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus);
  • sun perch (Lepomis gibbosus) – an accidentally introduced fish that affects native biodiversity;
  • Silver carpsharks (Carassius gibelio) – multiply rapidly and can become dominant in aquatic ecosystems, with unrestricted trapping allowed.

Minimum sizes of species allowed for containment

Pești de diferite mărimi

Fish of different sizes

An important aspect of the recreational fishing regulation is the minimum size of fish that can be retained. These limits are set to allow fish to mature and reproduce before they are caught.

In 2025, the minimum limits are:

  • carp (Cyprinus carpio) – 35 cm;
  • Pike (Sander lucioperca) – 40 cm;
  • catfish (Silurus glanis) – 50 cm;
  • perch (Perca fluviatilis) – 20 cm.

Any fish smaller than the minimum size should be released immediately into the water in conditions that ensure their survival.

👉 To fish responsibly, it is important to know the fish species that inhabit the waters of the Danube Delta. Each of them has its own unique particularities, and following the rules of restraint helps to preserve the ecosystem. Learn more about the fish diversity of the Danube “Fish species in the Danube Delta”Delta by reading the article .

Ban on certain fishing methods

In order to protect aquatic resources, recreational anglers are not allowed to use methods of catching fish that are considered harmful. These include:

  • fishing with nets, gill nets, gillnets, creels – methods allowed only for commercial fishermen, prohibited in recreational fishing;
  • using multiple rods over the legal limit – a sport angler can usually use no more than two rods at a time;
  • electrofishing or fishing with explosives – these illegal methods are extremely damaging to the ecosystem and attract severe penalties.

Penalties for non-compliance with recreational fishing rules

Violating the rules on sport and recreational fishing can lead to substantial fines. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, penalties can include:

  • fines of between 500 and 5,000 lei for not having a license, exceeding the quantity allowed or catching fish below the minimum size;
  • confiscation of fishing gear if prohibited methods are found to have been used;
  • a criminal record and a ban on further fishing in the event of poaching or using illegal methods of capture.

Compliance with the 2025 fishing ban helps protect aquatic ecosystems and ensure long-term sustainable fisheries. Especially if you’re an amateur angler, being properly informed about the prohibited periods and species helps you contribute to the conservation of the natural resources of the beautiful Delta. So plan your fishing trips responsibly and follow the law so you can enjoy rich catches without worrying about breaking the law.

Photo source: Dolphin Camping, Shutterstock [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]